You will be introduced to the theory of post-traumatic growth and evidence-based exercises that inspire positive growth and reconnection physically, mentally and emotionally. In this session we will begin the process of reframing our narrative. You will leave the session with a sense of grounding in the elements that are going well for you and others that you might wish to give more attention and intention to.
In daily life we rely on a particular set of beliefs and assumptions. After the experience of a health crisis, we become shaken from our ordinary perceptions and are left to rebuild our lives and our world. This can be a fertile ground for unexpected outcomes. The theory of post-traumatic growth suggests that through the struggle of adversity, we have the ability to change psychologically (in our mind), physically (in our body) or both. This ability is not about just bouncing back to the level of functioning prior to the trauma, but rather gaining a sense of positive growth beyond pre-trauma functioning. In this class, you will learn about the nine different elements of post-traumatic growth that can lead to the development or reframing of our life narrative in a positive way. There will be suggested exercises for each of the nine areas for you to take with you. This course is meant for those in the after-cancer phase and their caregivers.