Episode 26: The Power and Gift of Gratitude with Resa Moore

In this enlightening episode of "Investment of Self," host Kathy Washburn sits down with special guest Resa Moore to explore the transformative power of gratitude. Together, they delve into the wealth of resources available for cultivating a gratitude practice.

Resa shares her thoughtfully curated weekly gratitude practice, which includes mindful activities like writing thank you notes, intentional interactions with others, connecting with nature, focusing on global hardships, creating joyful moments, and spiritual reflection. 

Listeners will hear about the profound physical and emotional benefits of gratitude, including improved sleep, lower blood pressure, and better relationships. Kathy and Resa discuss the importance of community support, reflecting on a seven-year-long gratitude group that has shared each member's transformations and supported each other through challenging times, like the COVID-19 pandemic.

The episode also touches on the deep connection between practicing gratitude and experiencing increased joy, resilience, and personal growth.

Finally, Kathy and Resa emphasize the life-changing impact of attaching emotions to grateful items and savoring moments, which helps build new neural pathways and shift perspectives. 

  • In this episode, Kathy and Resa discuss:

  • Discussion on Group Gratitude Practice

  • Global Impact of Gratitude

  • Importance of Connecting with Nature and Community

  •  Integrating Vision into Daily Routine

  • Barriers to Happiness


[00:00] Gratitude amidst adversity

[03:17] Finding book inspires gratitude practice 

[11:10] Transformative book leads to regular, powerful meetings.

[15:17] Gratitude benefits strengthen relationships and physical health.

[18:55] Practicing gratitude promotes peace and mindfulness.

[21:02] Let go of negative perspectives, find peace.

[25:54] Value and savor the present, find gratitude.

[30:14] Access available resources for guided gratitude meditation.

[32:34] Gratitude practice introduced into daily life routine.

[36:46] Phone app with daily kindness reminders is helpful.

[40:19] Excited to share rich, kind, impactful experiences.

[42:09] Intensify joy, cultivate calm, and feel grateful.

If Resa was a pill, what effect would she want to have on someone?

  • To intensify the joy in someone’s life

Connect with Kathy Washburn

To learn more about Kathy and her coaching services, head over to https://kathywashburn.net/

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Sign Up for Kathy’s On Demand Anchored Hope Course  https://kathy-washburn.teachable.com/p/anchored-hope