Can a life coach help Survivors? Post 3 of 3.
When we feel like being alive is more than being cured it means we want more. We understand there is more out there for us; more to be done, more to learn, deeper connections, more intimacy and more we want to be. Life coaching is a way to come alive as the author of our own story. It is one way to step in the more in full control. It is one way to make transformation possible.
What is a life coach anyway? (Post 3 of 3.)
Life coaching may not be for everyone. So how did you do on quiz in Part 2? Let’s unpack each of these questions and see where you landed.
Do you like to be told what to do?
No? Phew. Life coaches are not in the business of telling you what to do. Instead we see you as creative whole beings and believe in your strengths and intuition to solve your own life challenges. We help you focus on what works in order to inspire ideas, confidence and motivation for change by asking powerful questions and exploring your life stories.
2. Do you feel that you are living the dream?
If you are content with the way your life is, that is awesome! But I challenge you to contemplate if this contentment is at the expense of you living your dreams. When we convince ourselves that our life is “good enough”, we rob ourselves of discovering the possibilities of an even better life. Life coaches help you celebrate the life you have and invoke self-compassion and solutions focus to help develop paths to achieve the dreams you have.
3. Are you finished learning?
“Man can learn, relearn or unlearn to the point of death. There is always more to discover.” Words of Leo Buscaglia an expert of the topic of Love. Learning power refers to the accumulation of skills that enable a person to engage effectively with a variety of challenges. Challenges never cease so if we stop learning we stop ourselves in our own tracks, stuck. Coaching offers you the opportunity to learn essential techniques to understand, experience, and practice in order to discover you.
4. Do you welcome change?
Leo Buscaglia also wrote that if you are not changing you are dying. Yes, this is harsh. But the root of all is change. It naturally begins with our own cellular body. As integrative life coaches we coach for change, challenge you to take risks, challenge you to change and support you in the uncomfortable. We seek to provide an environment that helps clients effectively identify, pursue and achieve their goals for positive change.
5. Do you have the money to invest in you?
This is often the first barrier of entry into coaching. If the answer is no then think for a moment how your money is more freely spent on things that make us feel good on the outside – beauty treatments, gym memberships, clothes, healthy food. These items are all necessary and part of our wholeness. Another part is feeling good on the inside. We help you see the value of you and isn’t that worth a similar investment? The most successful people in this world understand the benefits of investing in themselves. And coaching is an investment that has life-long returns.
6. Do you have connected and intimate relationships?
Relationships are tricky, especially when you yourself are changing. When we learn to love ourselves for exactly who we are then loving others becomes simple. Life coaches help you identify your inner strengths and weaknesses which gives you a lens to view others and accept that we are created differently. We all have strengths and weaknesses. This self-acceptance and understanding of others tends to result in forgiveness, acceptance and love. Letting go of grudges, resentments and blame that do not serve you.
7. Do you have a vision and clear plan?
Yes? Go you! There are indeed times in our life when we have a clear goal or vision and maybe all we need is some help executing it. Whether you are looking for help defining a vision or executing it, a life coach can ask powerful question and explore stories to generate insights and clarity. It is a life coach’s job to guide you through the steps of creating a plan of action and serve as an effective accountability partner so that you get to where you want to be.
8. Do you have people in your life that you can talk about your goals and dreams?
Practicing the essential art of truly listening to clients, and addressing challenges using both our empathy and our attention is a way that coaches are professionally trained in order to help you maximize your full potential.
9. Do you need to upgrade your habits to support your health?
When we enter survivorship our bodies need time, energy and new habits to support its healing. Sustaining these habits is essential to our mental and physical desire to maintain our health. This is a challenge that life coaches can help clients effectively manage by providing tools, guidance and support.
Do you suffer silently?
Are you ready to consider the idea of life coaching as a path forward?
It would be an honor to work with you. Let’s talk to see if it is a right fit.
Happy with your answers? Not ready? Either way, we welcome you to join the Carved by Cancer Survivor Network. An online community where you can glean the wisdom of other survivors and also add your voice into the mix. A place where you will also learn about the latest positive psychology research and hear from other practitioners of how they share, teach, and apply the different tools available to help take control of our lives after treatment is over.
And for the record… I think we all could use a life coach. I know for me it changed my life.
And for the record… I think we all could use a life coach. I know for me it changed my life.
This is the last post of the series: Can a life coach help Survivors?